Join the Group Gut Reset - only £300 for 3 months

Get relief from unpredictable and painful gut symptoms

Hi I'm Anna Mapson

As an IBS nutritionist I’ve helped hundreds of people improve their digestion and reduce unpredictable gut symptoms and I want to help you too.

I've seen the change in people that happens when you no longer spend all day thinking about poo! 

I can also help you protect your gut health, and learn how to eat to keep your gut microbes happy. 

I've pulled years of clinical practice into some easy to access courses you can follow in your own time. These sessions will give you a taster of working with me. 

If you're someone who wants to get started, but can't work with me directly, these courses will help you feel confident in changing your diet for better digestion. 

Group Gut Reset

The group pathway to reset your gut and stop IBS controlling your life - 

Online Gut Health courses

You can access my self study courses here, including

  • Ultimate Low FODMAP Diet Guide - the easy way to find your IBS food triggers and get symptom relief.
  • Aim for 30 a gut health mini course to help you eat a wider variety of foods to feed the microbes, and

Not interested in self study courses?

Following online courses aren't for everyone.  Find out more about working with me directly and getting more tailored support for your digestion. 

  • More individual help - If you're looking for personalised help for your digestion please look at the 3 month 1:1 Gut Reset on my website.
  • Success Stories - check out my IBS Success Stories to see how previous clients have reduced embarrassing, painful and unpredictable gut symptoms in the Gut Reset. 

Available Programmes

Aim for 30

Why we should all be eating 30 plant based foods a week, and how you can actually do it! 

Gut health research has indicated we should all get more variety in our diets. When we eat a more varied diet we have a healthier gut. 

This 7 day course is your guide to eat a diet filled with variety and different sorts of fibre to help feed your gut microbes. 

Get a happy gut. 

FREE Vegetarian Protein guide for the low FODMAP diet

If you're on the low FODMAP diet for IBS as a vegetarian your probably eating a lot of eggs, cheese, and tofu! 

Sometimes might like to eat fake meat, but many of them are high in FODMAPs, so what should you do? I've collated a guide to low FODMAP vegetarian products that can help you boost your protein in take, without breaking your low FODMAP diet. 

You'll get a PDF with a list of foods, detailing the main source of protein, and whether any FODMAPs are listed. 

I've also included some tips on increasing your protein more generally. 

Group Gut Reset

Stop Irritable Bowel Syndrome running your life with the Group Gut Reset

Spend less time on the toilet, and free up your mind from poo!

Here’s what you get (and how it will help): 

  • Simple ways to identify your ‘trigger foods’ – so you can spend less time in the toilet and worrying about embarrassing smells and noises. 
  • Ready-to-go recipes that are good for your gut (but don’t take tons of meal planning) so you can wear your favourite clothes without worrying about bloating by the end day.
  • Easy-to-follow strategies for reintroducing ‘trigger’ foods, support to follow the FODMAP (or other specialist diets) and IBS friendly lifestyle guides – so you can enjoy eating out again – without worrying about spending all night in the toilet. 

PLUS – you’ll free up all that headspace currently spent on thoughts of digestion, toilets and poo. Think of what you could get done without spending so long googling IBS diet solutions, or locating toilets along every travel route. 

My Programmes Available Programmes
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